Join us as we visit Berkley Pro Team anglers to see what’s biting and learn how they approach a day on the water with the latest innovations from Berkley.
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The Pursuit For Sooty Grunter
Choosing to leave the boat at home, Ryan slips into a comfortable pair of joggers, grabs his backpack, and packs a handful of his favourite lures. He embarks on an adventure into rugged gorge country, where fast-flowing waters and rock cliffs set the scene for a great day pursuing sooty grunter.

Sooty grunter are just an amazing fish and they’re one of the toughest going. They’ve got jaw pressure like a pair of pliers.
Ryan’s Top 4
Sooty Grunter Lures

The Hunt For XL Flathead
Consistently catching trophy flathead, Isaiah has earned a reputation which only comes with time, dedication & being equipped with latest innovative lure designs. Take a look inside Isaiah’s tackle trays to see what he’s using to lure XL flathead.

From a young age, my pop would take me fishing from the bank using small plastics & It’s become an addiction ever since. Now when I spend hours casting for that one big clunk, it still makes my day.
Isaiah’s Top 4
Flathead Lures

Addicted To Australian Bass
Meet Dave Seaman, a man with an obsession for Australian bass like no other. At the age of two, Dave’s fishing journey was born and now fast forward 60 years, nothing gets his ticker going like casting lures at snagged lined banks from his canoe, awaiting an explosion of water as his lure is retrieved across the still waters in the early hours of the morning. Hear from the man himself and if you hang around, how about a tour of his shed? Let’s cut it here and take a look!

They’re my forever fish. If I could only catch one fish for the rest of my life, it’d be bass. But it isn’t just about the fish, it’s also about your mates, the scenery & the wildlife you see along the way.
Dave’s Top 4
Australian Bass Lures

Fun For The Whole Family
Sharing a beloved hobby like fishing with family can be one of life’s greatest joys. For Brent, that’s exactly how he likes to spend his spare time. Light tackle lure casting in the lower reaches of an estuary system is exciting, and often the bites are visual. It’s a great way to keep everyone engaged, with some fantastic fishing on offer when you start to understand where to be and when. In this video, Brent shares his years of knowledge on how to approach schooling Australian salmon, from the positioning of the boat to lure selection and the technique for making the right cast to entice more bites.

What I love most about light tackle lure casting lower estuary systems, is the fast pace & visual aspects. It’s particularly a good option when I bring the kids along too, they’re always engaged and having fun, which is what it’s all about.